- You should plan on arriving approximately one hour before your procedure is scheduled.
- Do not eat or drink anything after midnight unless previously instructed by your physician or the pre-operative nurse. This includes water, gum, candy and mints. You may brush your teeth and/or rinse with mouthwash.
- If at all possible, you should refrain from smoking the evening before or the morning of your procedure.
- If there is a change in your physical condition such as a cold, cough, rash, fever or any change in the condition for which you are having the procedure done, please notify your physician.
- Do not wear any make-up, jewelry, or contact lenses. You may bring eyeglasses and hearing aides. Wear loose fitting, comfortable, easy on and off clothing.
- Take any prescription medications as instructed by the pre-op nurse.
- Bring a list of your medications with you.
17 Aug2016